Besides our pix, here’s a few highlights since we arrived to our new home on Thurs, Jan 10:
1. Many of our neighbors have stopped over in the 1st few days to meet us & check out the 1st foreigners living in their community :)
2. A Sunday swim in a beautiful cove where the water’s so clear you can be up to your neck in water & still see your feet.
3. Getting our water semi-working! We have a well, but had to install a pump and have been filtering the water temporarily to bathe, wash dishes, etc. until we can get permenant plumbing put in.
4. Our 1st full day in Aceh ended with a walk to the same beach where we spent many mornings in summer of 2005 talking together about moving to Aceh. Not only was there a gorgeous sunset, but a double rainbow directly behind us – the 1st rainbows we’ve seen since moving to Indonesia over a year ago!
5. Tracking down folks to help w/ renovations like fully installing our water, toilet, area for kitchen, etc.
6. Scoring w/ Oreos! This was huge as there’s not a lot of Western foods available here yet ☺
7. Last but not least, E finding an Indonesian coin as she swept out our place before we moved in…the coin story continues!