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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Where There is No Doctor...

Well, we’ve been referring to the book "Where there is No Doctor quite frequently in the last month or so, especially w/ E being pregnant. It was written for an Africa context, but works well in Aceh too! It has inspired us to take a few more pictures...

Like “Where there is No Ladder” – well, truth is we do have a ladder but it only has 2 legs & so doesn’t work for jobs in the middle of the room. J’s using a tank of natural gas instead…you can see a little glimpse of our main room (still in process!)

Or “Where there Is No Gas Grill” – here J’s using cement blocks and a fire to grill some fresh fish…kinda like camping but tasted MUCH better :)

Or “Where there Is No Hammer” – ok, actually we also have a hammer but someone borrowed it & hadn’t returned it yet. J’s using a rock to make a canopy of sorts to keep rain out of our bedroom…how cavemanish!


~ Amanda ~ said...

i seem to recall jason being quite handy with shoes in place of a hammer as well. hehe

Unknown said...

Well, I remember the time he had to improvise for "show and tell" in first grade. He had forgotten it was his turn and so found a rusty nail on the way into class and gave a very challenging and inspiring story on the importance of rusty nails....all of his classmates realized how valuable they were and wanted one of their own! Mom D

Anonymous said...

these comments are as great as the photos!

sounds like j should be given an honorary eagle scout award.
[and i think e earned hers that weekend she got locked in her room in mongolia and used the time to paint it]

Ben Grames said...

Will your next post feature pictures of Jason hunting a wooly mammoth?