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Thursday, November 26, 2009


So fasting month is pretty important in these parts. The day before the big month began probably at least 100+ friends & neighbors took boats out to a little island in the bay where we live. It was our first all-day hang out event here in Aceh :)

Here's a pix from the trip over on one of the boats...

Closeup of Bunga (flower)- so cute!

And Syola being held safe by her Dad...

Video version:

Once we arrived, Elijah was fascinated by the feel of sand in between his little toes.

Here's Syola sleeping in a baby hammock.

Love this video showing how babies are rocked to sleep - she's speaking Acehnese :)

Here's a group a young guys that live nearby us...

We've known this one in particular (Ball) since we first moved here. He lost his father in the tsunami.

Our neighbor gal Ipa loved playing around the trees & vines & beach...

Here's a panorama of the shore starting with Ipa standing & watching & scanning across a pickup game of soccer to folks swimming, enjoying hanging out!

While Ipa's Mom held him, Elijah seemed to really want to meet another friend :)

Good Dad & Jah time too...

Breaktime to eat.

Lij & Mom pix!

A full day of connecting with folks - good memory :)

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