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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Days Back

Here's little E hanging out in his new chair in a friend's car @ the airport right after we arrived...

We fly into Aceh via a town named Meulaboh. We stopped for lunch before heading home - here's a clip:

This is Pak Hamit (& fam below), J's closest friend from here in Calang. His Mom was well known as an excellent midwife before she was taken by the tsunami. Her influence lives on in her son who loves to tell stories of women giving birth & who also loves to hold babies!

Here's a couple video clips from their visit. Even though we were in the midst of unpacking, culturally it's important for them to stop by soon after we got back to greet us, meet Elijah, etc. They're so fabulous! :)

In this 2nd clip the discussion's about how Elijah doesn't have any hair. Evidently it's important (or @ least valued) for babies to be born with hair as we've gotten all kinds of advice on how to make his hair grow more quickly. Problem with Elijah is his genes, Elissa didn't really have any hair 'til she was 2!

Here's another friend named Hengki working here from another island in Indonesia...
And last but certainly not least, our beloved teammates Jos & Yuli!

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